
Past Events

  • GMIS Connect – Trieste - UNIDO ITPO Italy is delighted to invite you to GMIS Connect – Trieste, the Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit’s roadshow series , where we explore the global dialogue on sustainable manufacturing and the revolutionary potential of green hydrogen. Please, fin... more

  • FINANCIAL TRAINING & TOOLS TO MANAGE LIQUIDITY - Seminar: "Financial training and international tools to manage liquidity: technical issues and fiscal aspects". WTC Trieste organizes a seminar, promoted by EXANTE XNT, which includes a training program aimed at sharing high financial educational skills for entrepreneurs, p... more

  • TRANSATIONAL TAX SYSTEM, CUSTOMS & FREE ZONES - Bilateral Seminar (Austria-Italy): “Transactional Tax System, custom aspects and Free Zones features) • Tax systems, Free Zones: operational, commercial and fiscal advantages.• History of the Free Port peculiarities • Customs value and transfer prices, circular 5/2017 of 2017... more

  • OBSTACLES ANALYSIS TO EXPORT OF FOOD MADE IN ITALY - Referring to the most recent available data of Italian Trade Commission and FEDERALIMENTARI, in 2015, in the agro-food sector, the global turnover referred to the counterfeiting of Italian products was approximately 6 billion euros while, for the “Italian Sounding” (not-Italia... more

  • INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ETIQUETTE - 2016/11/11 Russia and Eastern Europe2016/11/18 China, Japan and Korea2016/11/25 Arab Countries and Middle East The seminar is focused on the “Business Etiquette”: a set of criteria considered ethically acceptable for the interaction between individuals from different Countrie... more