

  • Négociation commerciale et interculturalité - 03/06/2024 - Conférence sur la négociation commerciale et interculturalité 🤝 NÉGOCIATION COMMERCIALE ET INTERCULTURELITÉ 🌐 C'est le sujet abordé ce soir par Alexander Freeland, consultant de Scotwork France, lors d'une conférence organisée par le Club FUTUREXPORT au World Tr... more


  • 1ST AFTERWORK ONLY IN ENGLISH ! - Notre premier afterwork anglais a été un succès 🌟 Jeudi dernier, nous avons organisé notre premier afterwork anglais et avons eu l'occasion d'échanger avec 22 professionnels. Cet afterwork a permis d’échanger sur des sujets liés à nos différents domaines d’expertise et de pr... more

  • DISCOUNT ON OUR MEETING ROOMS IN DECEMBER 2023 ! - 🌟 EXCLUSIVE OFFER ! 🌟 Looking for the perfect place for your professional meetings? Look no further! At the World Trade Center (WTC) - Poitiers Futuroscope®, we are delighted to offer you an exceptional discount of -20% on the rental of our meeting rooms between 01/12/2023 an... more

  • First Business Club's General Assembly - C'est une histoire qui a commencé en 1977 et qui continue ! 🌍🌐🤝 Le Club FUTUREXPORT regroupe les entreprises de la région Vienne qui exportent à l'international. Nous sommes ravis de les avoir accueillis pour leur premier rendez-vous de l'année 2023/2024, dans les nouveaux l... more

  • Inauguration of the World Trade Center Poitiers - ✨INAUGURATION | 6 SEPTEMBRE 2023 ✨ Après une interruption temporaire de l'exploitation du World Trade Center (WTC) - Poitiers Futuroscope depuis 2019, Catherine Lathus a relancé la licence World Trade Centers Association grâce à la participation active de Bertrand GERVAIS, di... more

  • New place for the WTC Poitiers Futuroscope - On 2023, the "CCI de la Vienne" moved at 120 rue du Porteau, 86000 POITIERS Within the WTC Poitiers-Futuroscope, the CCI of Vienne welcomes your activities, events and meetings by the hour, day, month, or forever! Benefit from tailor-made services in a renovated setting of o... more


  • WTC Poitiers in Miami finding out network power - Marc Desjardins, Chairman of the TGS Global Board of Directors and Andrew Menzies, VP International Development, visited Miami as part of their TGS 2018 regional conference tour of Brussels, New Delhi and Miami.  “As with each TGS conference, we make a point o... more

  • Fruitful meeting of French WTCs in Poitiers - The French WTC network organizes a working session twice a year. The first session for 2018 was organized by the WTC Poitiers-Futuroscope and took place on March 15th and 16th. 10 French WTCs participated: Brest, Grenoble (videoconference), Lille, Lille-Arras,... more


  • Networking Meeting of WTC Poitiers at WTC Tokyo - POITIERS, FRANCE - WTC Poitiers-Futuroscope organized a trade mission in collaboration with the Maison de l’Architecture Poitiers for 25 members of the architecture, construction and design sector, which was held in Tokyo from November 5 - 10, 2016.  As well as visiting the i... more

  • FRENCH WTCs MEETING IN WTC POITIERS-FUTUROSCOPE - POITIERS, FRANCE - On 4th March 2016, the French World Trade Centers met in WTC POITIERS-FUTUROSCOPE. The team worked on Members advantages packages, negotiated for the whole French network. They also exchanged good practices experiences and new services to be launched. The ne... more