⏲ Current Time 09:19am
Calle 10 # 4-40 oficina 311
Cali, Valle del Cauca
World Trade Center Cali is a multifunctional system located in the north zone of Cali City, one of the major real state developments and price value areas of the region. WTC Cali Tower I has convenient and modern commerce and office facilities with special areas dedicated to world class health care solutions.
The Service Platform of WTC Cali include:
1.- Consulting in Corporate Affairs and Business Intelligence
2.- Training and Coaching / E-Learning Services (currently under construction)
3.- Commercial Missions in-bound and out-bound
4.- MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions & Exhibitions) Events
5.- Bleisure (Business & Vacation Tourism)
World Trade Center Cali is launching WTC Cali Tower II in year 2019. World Trade Center is positioning as the leader in international trade growth connecting the city of Cali, Colombia with the global community through the WTCA network.
WTC CALI has developed Tower I which include:
Pacific Mall: 100 retail stores, cinema, gym, food court, gourmet restaurants and interactive playground.
Corporate: Office Building with immediate access of all services and amenities that requires a current business company.
Medical: More than 9.000 m2 designed to medical services and more than 100 medical offices with the new generation system.
Connection Platform: Integrated with Chipichape Shopping Mall & 5 star hotel
WTC Cali Tower II will be developed as of year 2019.
Almost 5% Is estimated to be the economic growth during 2014
The main colombian seaport on the pacific. Connection with more than 200 maritime ports world wide
3 Billion USD - Amount of Bioenergy industry sells per year. Croppers, foresters, sugar mills, and cardboard producers.
TELETRABAJO - Webinar Teletrabajo Abril 7, 2020 10:30 am Reserva more
WTC CALI PRESENTE EN SEMINARIO - Arq. Carlos ValldeRuten, Presidente de WTC Cali, Estuvo Presente en el Seminario Realizado en la Ciudad de Nueva York, EEUU Los días 6-8 de Octubre de 2019. Una ACECOM consolida roja de Más de 325 Organizaciones de un Nivel Mundial Que se Dieron Cita en Este evento para actual... more
SE CONSOLIDA MEMORANDO DE ENTENDIMIENTO - La Presidencia de WTC Cali y Medellín WTC, en Representación del Arq. Carlos ValldeRuten Estuvo la semana 1 de Septiembre de 2019 en Lima, Perú Adelantando gestiones para potencializar el Desarrollo de la Marca conjuntamente. Las contradictorio firmaron ONU Memorando de Entend... more
Visit WTC Mumbai - “The government of India should organize an India-GRULAC business conference in Colombia,” says Mr. Acevedo “In an uncertain and challenging global trade scenario, India is actively looking at diversifying its trade partners. Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) countries h... more
Encuentro Misión Singapur - La Gobernadora del Valle del Cauca, Dilian Francisca Toro, atendió a Los Representantes La Misión Agencia de Cooperación de Singapur liderada por el Arquitecto Liu tailandesa Ker, Director de la Junta, gestionada y con la Presencia del Embajador de Colombia en Singapur, el doc... more
Misión de Singapur - Agencia de Cooperación Misión de Singapur con Embajador de Colombia en Singapur, una visita Zona América (Zona Franca de Servicios) en Cali, Colombia Apoyan: ProColombia, ProPacifico, Invest Pacífico y del World Trade Center Cali. El Desarrollo de Empresas Interesadas en Inver... more
Alianza del Pacífico facilitará trámites Mipymes - They signed a Memorandum of Understanding to create Network Technology Platforms In order to facilitate and simplify procedures for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, the Ministers of Trade and Economy of Chile, Colombia, Mexico an... more
Reunión WTC CALI Y WTC LIMA - 24 de Junio en Las oficinas de WTC Lima - Perú USIL El Arq. Carlos ValldeRuten, Presidente de WTC Cali, Una visita al señor Juan Carlos Mathews, director de WTC Lima. Entre las contradictorio en si Adelanta la Suscripción de la ONU Memorando de Colaboración con Énfasis en el... more
Encuentro de Presidentes - Visita del Presidente del WTC WTC Cali-Medellín, Arq. Carlos ValldeRuten en las instalaciones del World Trade Center de Panamá, con El Ingeniero Guillermo Ronderos, Gestor y Constructor de World Trade Center de Panamá. Los Países Hermanos exploran Desarrollo de nuevos Proyecto... more
Thank you for your interest in the WTC Cali! For general questions and comments please complete the form below and a member of our team will reach out to you shortly. We look forward to hearing from you!
Calle 10 # 4-40 oficina 311
Cali, Valle del Cauca