

  • A Strategic Sponsor for 2016 Beijing Marathon - China (Beijing) | BEIJING, CHINA - On 18th July 2016, the Organizing Committee of 2016 Beijing Marathon held a press conference at China World Hotel of China WTC Beijing to mark the commencement of registering entries for the game. At the ceremony, China WTC Beijing was officially declared a st... more

  • Arkansas E.M.B.A. Visits WTC Bangalore - Arkansas | BANGALORE, INDIA - Students in the Executive M.B.A program in the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas are completing a two-week immersion trip to India that included a visit to World Trade Center Bangalore. World Trade Center Bangalore ... more

  • WTC Istanbul Attended UFI Training - Istanbul | COLOGNE, GERMANY - UFI, the International Association of Exhibition Industry, has offered a 4-day training program in conjunction with University of Koeln and Koeln Messe, under the title “Customer Journey –Touring the Trade Fair Touchpoints”. The training took place at Koeln... more

  • WTC Savannah Attending FVG-USA Innovation Forum - Trieste | TRIESTE, ITALY - On July 28th, 2016 Trieste hosted the international Forum focused on the following topic: “Driving change for US and Italian innovation systems: finding better ways to learn from each other”. The initiative has been organized by AREA Science Park together wit... more

  • SD receives most Cal Competes credits in state - San Diego | The California Competes Tax Credit is a program created by the California legislature and managed by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz). The tax credits are awarded by the state to companies who are looking to move to, or stay and grow in, Cali... more

  • London Lessons & how SD/TJ set a different tone - San Diego | LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - By Mark Cafferty, president & CEO, San Diego Regional EDC (WTC San Diego License Holder) Each time I have the opportunity to travel and represent our binational economy in foreign markets, I leave with new ideas, opportunities and connections ... more

  • MoU signed between WTC Bhubaneswar and OSIC - Bhubaneswar | BHUBANESWAR, INDIA - Odisha Small Industries Corporation, Government of Odisha a corporation under the administrative control of the Department of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Government of Odisha inked an Memorandum of Understanding with World Trade Centre Bhubanesw... more

  • Cuba Seminar Resonates with Utah Businesses - Utah | SALT LAKE CITY, UT, USA - On July 14, 2016 the World Trade Center Utah, in partnership with the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce, hosted a seminar featuring business opportunities for doing business in Cuba. This event sparked immense interest from the Utah business community as ... more

  • The United States of Women Summit - Washington, D.C. | WASHINGTON, DC, USA – On June 13th, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) hosted The United States of Women Summit: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs at the Ronald Reagan Building (WTC Washington, D.C.) in cooperation with the White House Council on Women and Girls. The ev... more

  • Two New WTCA Members - July 2016 - NEW YORK, NY, USA - We would like to congratulate and welcome the newest members of the World Trade Centers Association:  World Trade Center La Paz, Bolivia World Trade Center Nanchang, China The applicant groups presented a comprehensive plan for developing iconic World ... more