The Future of "Smart City"

Aug 09, 2018

World Trade Center Moscow welcomed the annual Media Conference It's Time for Moscow, one of the main themes of which was the development of smart technologies in Moscow. The main speech was delivered by Mr. Artem Ermolaev, Head of the Department of Information Technologies of Moscow.

Among the achievements of Moscow Mr. Artem Ermolaev mentioned the first place in the development of electronic services, which the capital city got for the first time in the history of the United Nations rating (of electronic government) among the largest cities in the world, surpassing London, New York and Paris. “This became possible due to the Muscovites themselves, because the Muscovite is the most demanding client in the world.” That is why, he noted, being at a sufficiently high level of development, cannot be stopped, and therefore, according to the instructions of the Mayor, Moscow launches the program "Smart City" - a strategy up till 2030, which should move Moscow further and make a new technological breakthrough possible.

The Moscow government has conducted a survey on the topic asking what Muscovites want from technology and from the city over the next 12 years. The results are: personalized medicine, robots doing all the homework, and "smart house" - a new one, with all sensors, "able to do everything ".

Also, together with a number of analytical agencies, an analysis was conducted of the expectations of futurists, both Russian and international, who determined that this is the ubiquitous use of artificial intelligence. This is not accidental - Moscow is already working with artificial intelligence: together with the Ministry of Health, a pilot project has been launched to analyze cancer, using digital vision and artificial intelligence to help save lives. Now the work is under way to translate the logic of the doctor's work into ‘digit’, the machines are being trained to completely duplicate the work of the human brain.

“Next, we considered the strategy and the main directions of development, of which there are only six:

· smart people, as regards human and social capital, that is information technologies in education, health care, culture;

· smart living, everything related to housing and communal services and construction;

· digital smart mobility, this is a combination of transport and information technology and tourism;

· smart economy, this is all about technology in the field of trade, procurement and everything that is connected with this;

· clever environment, security and ecology, and everything that concerns the digital state.

These are the six areas for developing a smart city in terms of technology use.

Together with all the participants of the discussion, the main principles of development were defined.

· The first, the basic - the resident is at the center of everything,

· the second - the resident participates in the definition of the principles of development in education, in public health, this is the project "Active citizen" - an electronic referendum - when a resident decides where to ‘move’ the city.

· The third principle is artificial intelligence

· The fourth, very important principle: the use of modern digital technologies as a basis for making a city of equal opportunities.

The only way to make the city comfortable for people with disabilities is the use of digital technologies in all directions, be it building, be it education, be it health.

A very important part is working together with business, the principle connected with the use of electronic document circulation instead of paper.

According to Ermolaev, the task for the near future is to get rid of a sufficiently large number of functions, from routine work and transfer it to artificial intelligence, so that the services work in 24/7 mode. Everything should happen automatically, the decision should be made by the machine, based only on the will of the citizen. Examples of successful use of artificial intelligence are the electronic distribution of notifications about epidemic outlooks in schools, predicting the likelihood of a fire or leakage in an apartment building, drawing up estimates for the construction of houses.

In each case, we are talking about comparing a large number of factors that a person can not compare. Therefore, artificial intelligence, together with big data, together with the Blockchain technology, gives a large enough advance in any industry. Blockchain is necessary for security, because if so many decisions are made at the level of single machine, then if someone hacks one machine, then there is a risk that it will change the algorithm of its operation. The problem is that this algorithm should be stored on thousands of servers, and it would be impossible to hack it.

Summing up, Mr. Artem Ermolaev once again listed the main end-to-end technologies: artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, wireless technologies 5g (which in 3 to 5 years will cover all of Moscow), the Internet of things, virtual reality. They are very important in the future technologies. "We hope that what we will create over the next 12 years will still make the Muscovites a little more happy, slightly more satisfied with what they have," he assured.


On May 30, the World Trade Center in cooperation with Key Capital, and with the support of the Ministry of Construction and Housing of the Russian Federation, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia and the Czech-Russian Business Council, held a panel discussion «Smart City. The city gains intelligence». The meeting was held within the framework of the International Business Forum of Property.
