Opening Insurance Floor at WTC Rotterdam

Mar 28, 2017

ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Office Fund N.V., the owner of WTC Rotterdam, has reached an agreement with several reputable insurance companies for clustering these parties on a new Insurance Floor in World Trade Center Rotterdam. The opening of the new ‘Insurance Floor’ on the 20th floor of the WTC Rotterdam was celebrated on 21 March.

Insurance Floor
Lloyd’s Netherlands Representative, the co-initiator, collaborated with DUAL Netherlands B.V., W.A. Hienfeld B.V., Ironshore Agency Limited and StarStone Insurance Services Limited to create and occupy a shared floor for insurance companies. While proximity fosters collaboration, the initiative allows each company to retain its own identity and work space. According to Ralph van Helden, Benelux Regional Manager Lloyds Netherlands. “Our Rotterdam office has been in the World Trade Center Rotterdam for a while now. While negotiating the prolongation of our rental agreement, we had the idea of creating a shared space. We discussed this with various stakeholders, and this ultimately led to the creation of this space. Just like ourselves, some of the entities were already located in the WTC and some moved here specially. Each company has its own specialism, and this creates a win-win situation for everyone.”

The World Trade Center Rotterdam brings national and international companies together in a unique, historic, multi-functional and high quality building. The building was originally built to accommodate the exchange which included the insurance exchange. The arrival of the digital age brought changes. Angélique van Hienen, Managing Director WTC Rotterdam, explains: “We are very proud that leading entities from the insurance market have their seat in our building, where the insurance exchange used to be located. We strongly believe in collaboration and partnership, and this Insurance Floor is an excellent example of this. Our building has been the business heart of the city since the olden days and it has remained so all these years. The WTC Rotterdam has evolved into a multi-functional office block and, with recent investments and new plans, continues to evolve.”

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