On April 24th , Korea International Trade Association dispatched a business delegation to Washington D.C. to strengthen Korea-U.S. trade relations . The delegation was led by the Executive Vice Chairman, Kwan-sup Lee , a veteran in matters of trade from his extensive background in the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy of Korea.
The delegation was joined by organizations such as Korea Semiconductor Industry Association , Korea Battery Industry Association , Korea Iron & Steel Organization and POSCO and Hyundai Steel from the private sector.
The delegation met with Joshua Snead Chief Trade Counsel, Committee on Ways & Means, Trade Subcommittee ; Ambassador Sarah Bianchi, Deputy United States Trade Representative ; Todd Young U.S. Senator from Indiana ; Jimmy Gomez U.S. Representative for California’s 34th Congressional District ; and researchers from the Brookings Institute .
The delegation had an opportunity to discuss topics such as the recently-launched Indo-Pacific Economic Framework and supply chain resilience and stability. Through door-knock activities and networking events, KITA was able to reaffirm the Korea-U.S. alliance in trade and economy .