International Business Etiquette

Nov 24, 2016

TRIESTE, ITALY - WTC Trieste, in cooperation with its Member Link-Lab, with Confindustria Venezia Giulia and with other colleagues of the WTCA Network is organising an educational training session focusing on International Business Etiquette.

The Business Etiquette is about building relationships with other people, not by simply establishing rules and regulations but also providing basic social comfort and creating an environment where others feel comfortable and secure. This is possible through better communication, thoughtful consideration of the interests and feelings of others and furthermore, by being able to minimize misunderstandings.

These are usually influenced by individual behavior and demeanor. Business etiquette tries to give tips to instruct this behavior.

Considered that the Business Etiquette differs from region to region and from country to country, this seminar is divided into three different sessions, in which Mrs. Elisabetta Maurutto, Founder and Managing Director of Link-Lab, presents three geographical areas: Russia & East Europe; Arab Countries & Middle East; China, Japan & Korea.

Mrs. Maurutto gives not only the audience information to introduce them to the concepts, such as linguistic references, dress codes, body language, proxemics and eligible behaviors, greetings and presentations, just to mention a limited and non-exhaustive list of the topics that are tackled, but she illustrates even tips to better present yourself during a business meeting.

The first session was focused on Russia and Eastern Europe, with the participation in webinar of Mrs. Tatiana Stephanova, Director of World Trade Center Chelyabinsk, about the evolution of the way to conduct businesses with international companies in Russia in the last years.

To learn more about this forum, please click on the source link below. 
