AB Needs to Protect SMEs Affected by Carbon Taxes

Apr 07, 2016

EDMONTON, CANADA - April 7, 2016

The Edmonton Chamber of Commerce is speaking out for small and medium-sized businesses that may become uncompetitive due to Alberta’s announced carbon tax.

At a time when Alberta’s economy continues to lag, the additional cost of a carbon tax may cause emissions-intensive businesses to close their doors or move out of the province.

The Edmonton Chamber of Commerce is calling on the province to provide output-based rebates for emissions-intensive and trade-exposed small and medium-sized businesses.

“A carbon tax won’t reduce greenhouse gas emissions if it forces emissions-intensive businesses to simply move their operations elsewhere,” says Chamber President & CEO Janet Riopel. “We need them to stay in Alberta where we can help them produce more efficiently.”

“With the right kind of rebates, we can keep businesses here, keep Albertans employed, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” says Riopel.

The Chamber proposes a rebate for small and medium businesses in emissions-intensive industries, which reflects the average carbon tax cost of producing goods or services in those industries. With this structure, the most carbon-efficient companies will see a net benefit from the carbon tax, while the least efficient companies will be encouraged to reduce their carbon footprint due to carbon tax costs.

The Edmonton Chamber has presented its new policy position on carbon tax rebates to the Government of Alberta, in anticipation that action will be taken.

MEDIA Inquiries:

Warren Singh
Vice-President, Policy

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