

  • THE KEYS TO AN INTERNATIONAL MINDSET - « While being confident in English is important for successful international development, there are 3 accompanying competences which are equally important: cultural adaptability, the capacity to build empathy and the resourcefulness to extend your comfort zone. These three ele... more


  • The TransManche Dev Group Is Gaining Momentum - As presented in our last updates, the WTC Rennes Bretagne’s Franco-British Business Club evolved recently into a Cross Channel work group, “The TransManche Development Group,” which seeks out opportunities to strengthen trade and economic ties between Brittany (France), the En... more

  • A Cross Channel Initiative in The Midst of Brexit - As recently published by The Guardian, “a five-page document spelling out the UK government’s 'planning assumptions' under Operation Yellowhammer was disclosed in response to a 'humble address' motion” (Yellowhammer: No-Deal Chaos, 2019). The document identifies 12 areas of ri... more

  • WTC Rennes Bretagne Offers Soft Landing Packages - SETTING UP YOUR BUSINESS IN FRANCE Creating a business in France is no walk in the park especially if your knowledge of the French language and French legal and fiscal system is limited.  The Ille-et-Vilaine Chamber of Commerce & Industry and The World Trade Center Ren... more

  • Fall'19 Agenda: Morocco, Quebec, USA, BREXIT, Iran - The World Trade Center Rennes Bretagne presents its agenda for Fall 2019: Sept 10 to Sept 13- Franco-Moroccan Club: The WTC Rennes Bretagne is pleased to welcome a delegation from Morocco during SPACE, a yearly international exhibition for animal production in Rennes, France.... more

  • Club USA meeting - How to export to the USA - The WTC Rennes Bretagne's USA Clubs organized another workshop on April 11 with the United States Consulate for Western France and the Law Firm, Fidal. The goals of this workshop were to undestand : - the American market- the rules and regulations - the American culture : “... more


  • The WTC Rennes Bretagne Launches its USA Club - The World Trade Center Rennes Bretagne announced the creation of its newest club, the USA club, during a workshop organized on December 6th 2018 with the US Consulate for Western France and the US Embassy in Paris. During this workshop several American experts (SelectUSA, CASE... more

  • BREXIT: Keep the Port of SAINT-MALO on the Map - Following the partnership agreement signed in April 2018 between the Ille-et-Vilaine Chamber of Commerce and the Franco-British Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which announced the creation of the Franco-British Business Club (FBBC), Matthew LODGE, Deputy Ambassador of Great ... more

  • BREXIT and maritime trade between France & the UK - A full room last Thursday (10/11/2018) for the Franco-British Club’s second workshop this year! The topic was introduced by Mrs Isabelle AMAUGER from the CESER (Regional Economic, social and Environmental Council) Bretagne (Brittany). Mrs AMAUGER exposed some of the impacts ... more

  • Develop your business in emerging Ă©conomies - The WTC Rennes Bretagne is organizing three workshops in collaboration with Business France in the coming months to help its members understand how to trade better in three emerging economies: Turkey, Ukraine and India.  October 5th (CCI Ille-et-Vilaine, Rennes, France), Turk... more