
Visit of American Delegation of Rochester, NY

Oct 25, 2023

On Thursday 19th of October 2023, World Trade Center Rennes Bretagne alongside Rennes MĂ©tropole and the Rochester Twinning Committee, was happy to welcome, the American Delegation of the Town of Rochester with its Mayor Mr. Malik D. EVANS.

During this event at the local Chamber of Commerce, members of WTC Rennes Bretagne took part in different presentations by Matt HURLBUTT of Greater Rochester Enterprise who showed us the economic dynamism of the Rochester region with, in return, Guénolé BARA from Bretagne Commerce International who showed us the economic dynamism of Rennes and the Brittany region. We also had the pleasure of listening to Adeline JACOB from Biotech Santé Bretagne, Lola NICOLAS from VALORIAL, two local clusters and Nicholas BEATY, Manager of WTC Rennes Bretagne who provided us with an overview of the local market and its attractiveness.

Rennes & Rochester being the homes of great universities, a high quality of life and an abundant workforce in common industry sectors like energy innovation, food and beverage manufacturing and software and IT, it was fascinating to compare these two towns. With so many key facts in common we can only better understand why Rennes has been a Sister City Since to Rochester since 1958.

We would like to thank the speakers for all their presentations. We also want to thank the Mayor of Rochester, NY, Mr. Malik D. EVANS, for his presence, Rennes MĂ©tropole as well as all the members of the Rennes Rochester Twinning Committee !