
WTC Bhubaneswar Participated Enterprise Odisha

Nov 27, 2014

MUMBAI, INDIA - WTC Bhubaneswar participated at the 19th Edition of Enterprise Odisha organized by Eastern Region of CII during 26-30 November 2014. The theme was “Accelerating Odisha’s Growth: Promoting Entrepreneurship, Enhancing Employability”. It was inaugurated by Hon’ble chief Minister of Odisha on 26th November 2014. WTC Bhubaneswar showcased its services by setting up a booth at this event. On an average 30-40 business visitors daily interacted with the officials at the exhibition stall. WTC Bhubaneswar provided Export guidance was given at the booth and many have shown interest in associating with WTC Bhubaneswar to enhance their business interest. Media channel, “Odishalive” facilitated an interview with Mr.A.O.Kuruvila, Dy.Director, and WTC Mumbai to cover the views on Odisha’s entrepreneurship and the role WTC Bhubaneswar is going to play in Odisha.
WTC Bhubaneswar participated at the 19th Edition of Enterprise Odisha organized by Eastern Region of CII during 26-30 November 2014. The theme was “Accelerating Odisha’s Growth: Promoting Entrepreneurship, Enhancing Employability”. It was inaugurated by Hon’ble chief Minister of Odisha on 26th November 2014. WTC Bhubaneswar showcased its services by setting up a booth at this event. On an average 30-40 business visitors daily interacted with the officials at the exhibition stall. WTC Bhubaneswar provided Export guidance was given at the booth and many have shown interest in associating with WTC Bhubaneswar to enhance their business interest. Media channel, “Odishalive” facilitated an interview with Mr.A.O.Kuruvila, Dy.Director, and WTC Mumbai to cover the views on Odisha’s entrepreneurship and the role WTC Bhubaneswar is going to play in Odisha.

In photo: Mr. Vijay Kumar Srivastava, Dy. General Manager, Union Bank of India being received by Mr.A.O.Kuruvila, Dy.Director,WTC Mumbai at the Exhibition booth

To learn more about WTC Mumbai, click on the source link below:
