The Yoga Hour

Keeping in mind the United Nations third SDG of good health and well-being, World Trade Center Mumbai has organized a special virtual session called ‘The Yoga Hour’ in celebration of International Yoga day.

In the session, Mr. Upen Malik, Yoga practitioner & Naturopath will guide the participants through simple asanas, breathing techniques and mudras to relieve stress and build immunity which is the need of the hour in the present situation.

Also, Mr. Malik will share tips to improve body posture, which can be put into practice while sitting at ones workplace itself, as poor posture is proven to be the most common cause of neck, shoulder and back problems.

At the end of the session, participants can clear their doubts and queries about everyday practice and benefits of yoga for their health and fitness in a short Q&A session.

Please note: There are no participation charges for this programme, however prior registration is mandatory.