

  • WTC Goa Interacts with officials of Banking Sector - WTC Goa, was invited to make a presentation to a distinguished gathering of officials of leading Public and Private sector banks operating out of South Goa during their District Consultative Committee (DCC)/ District Level Review Committee(DLRC) which was held on 14th December... more

  • Goan Agricultural Produce : Local & Global Opps - World Trade Centre, Goa , Young Indians (Yi) and Agriculture Technology Management Agency, of the Government of Goa, jointly organized a workshop on " Goan Agricultural Produce : Global Challenges & Opportunities", on 06th December 2018 at Ela Farms, Old Goa.Mr. Sanjeev... more

  • WTC Goa Organizes Session on Foreign Trade - World Trade Centre, (WTC) Goa along with Young Indians (YI) of the Confederation of Indian Industry and State Bank of India, Commercial Branch organized an interactive session on Foreign Trade to senior students of the Commerce stream who are interested in taking up exports an... more

  • WTC Goa meets Progressive Farmers - World Trade Centre(WTC) Goa along with Young Indians (Yi), a part of the Confederation of Indian Industry arranged a meeting with Progressive Farmers of Pilgao Village in North Goa on 25th of October 2018 at Pilgao, Goa. Mr Kishore Bhave, Zonal Agricultural Officer of the Dep... more

  • WTC Goa interacts with Young Indians,Goa Chapter - World Trade Centre Goa had and interactive meeting with the Young Indians (Yi), Goa Chapter, on the 12th of October 2018, at Panaji, Goa In his welcome address, Mr Nikhil Khalap, Chair -Young Indians, Goa,  expressed that India is going through one of its most crucial phase... more

  • WTC Goa Demonstration on Aquaculture & Aquaponics - World Trade Centre Goa under the aegis of its Centre for Excellence in Fisheries and in collaboration with the Brackish Water Fish Farmers Development Agency organized a live demonstration on Aquaculture & Aquaponics on 25th September 2018. Aquaculture helps to learn m... more

  • WTC Goa Workshop on Blockchain & Cyber Security - World Trade Centre Goa, organized a Workshop on “Blockchain Technology & Cyber Secutiry” on 30th August 2018. Mr Ambar Kamat, Director, Eintellize Infotech Pvt Ltd was the facilitator. Blockchain is a digital centralized ledger that keeps a record of all the transactions ... more

  • WTC Goa session on strategy for increasing Exports - The demographics of Goa have been quickly changing in the last few years and the winds of change seem to be blowing favorably with the Government of Goa stepping in to be an aggregator and principal facilitator for lifting the sagging exports from Goa, through effective implem... more

  • WTC Goa Celebrates World MSME Day - The World Centre Goa Celebrated "Word MSME Day" on 27th June 2018 at Panaji Goa. This is a day set aside to highlight the role of the MSME Sector in the Global Trade and their contribution to the GDP of their respective countries. Mr Prashant Kamat , Functional Manager, Dire... more

  • WTC Goa Celebrates World Trade Day - The World Centre Goa organized “Word Trade Day' programme on the topic "The 4th Industrial Revolution and its impact on World Trade" on 29th May 2019 at Panaji, Goa World Trade Day is very significant event for the World Trade Centres present in 88 countries around the Globe.... more