World Trade Centre(WTC) Goa along with Young Indians (Yi), a part of the Confederation of Indian Industry arranged a meeting with Progressive Farmers of Pilgao Village in North Goa on 25th of October 2018 at Pilgao, Goa.
Mr Kishore Bhave, Zonal Agricultural Officer of the Department of Agriculture, Government of Goa in his address highlighted the new age opportunities that Agriculture offers to the progressive farmers. He spoke of the passion and zeal that is required to succeed in this sector and went on to explain the various activities that can be undertaken to improve the income from the Farm. Mr Bhave spoke on the Vermi Culture concept, the harvesting of Hybrid Roses, Honey Bee rearing and production of natural Honey and explained in detail the Drip irrigation process that could enhance farm yield tremendously.
Ms Reshma Kerakr, representing the Bio Diversity Board of the Government of Goa presented on Floral biodiversity and how this could yield good remuneration to the farmers. Ms Kerkar explained that Tumeric, Neem, Medicinal plants and Commercial crops like Jackfruit and Kokum when cultivated could also increase the return on farm. She highlighted the role of the Youth and encouraged them to tap and harness their energy to build their own farm enterprise as well as benefit the nation. Ms Kerkar offered all help from the Bio-Diversty Board to farmers in fulfilling their mission.
Earlier Mr Nikhil Chandra Khalap, Chair -Young Indians in his address highlighted the role that Confederation of Industry and Young Indians would play in getting feedback from Industry on what sort of raw material they require to use in their factories. Mr Khalap said that the most essential guiding principle for the progressive farmers is in producing the right raw material that could be easily used by Industry.
Mr Cyril Desouza, Assistant Director, Trade Promotion , World Trade Centre(WTC) Goa , highlighted the role of the WTC in identifying the right markets for the commercial crops that the progressive farmers will cultivate. He spoke of the role of the WTC in identifying the markets through the network of the World Trade Centres across the Globe. Mr Desouza said that a good beginning could be made through the exports of Medicinal plants and commercial crops like Roses and Jackfruit that have a very high demand in the international market.
The Sarpanch (Village Chief) Mr Pradip Naik, proposed the vote of thanks and expressed his sincere gratitude to all the agencies that took part in the deliberations and expressed confidence that this farmers interactive meeting would be a harbinger of prosperity to the progressive farmers of his village.