

  • WTC Goa- Interactive session with Mr. Rajesh Batra - World Trade Center Goa and World Trade Center Mumbai jointly organized an Interactive Session with Mr. Rajesh Batra, Head - Center for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME), Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India on 4th... more

  • WTC Goa organizes AGROWTECH 2019 - World Trade Center, Goa along with National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) Krishi Samruddhi Farmers Producers Company and Lila Digital and Environmental solutions Pvt Ltd organized “Agrowtech 2019”, an agriculture technology seminar ,on 27th September 2019... more

  • Officials of WTC Goa invited by GIPARD - The officials of World Trade Center Goa were invited by the Goa Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development,(GIPARD), to conduct and deliver a session on "Marketing Strategies for Inclusive Value Chains, as part of their 5 Days training programme on Developing In... more

  • WTC Goa organizes Market Development Prog. Africa - WTC Goa organized a “Market Development Program-Africa” on 28th August 2019, at EDC House, Pajim. With an objective to help the exporters and manufacturers of Goa to have an in-depth understanding of the mesmerizing continent of Africa Dr. Sunil Modi, President, India Africa... more

  • WTC Goa organises Workshop on Mushroom Growing - World Trade Center Goa along with World Trade Center Mumbai organized a Workshop on "Growing Mushrooms for Exports" on 14th August 2019 at Panaji, Goa. Ms. Rahila Khan, Internal Co-ordinator of Community Development through Polytechnic, of the Governent Polytechnic, Panaji ... more

  • WTC Goa organizes Seminar on Goods & Services Tax - World Trade Center Goa along with World Trade Center Mumbai organized a Seminar on Good and Services Tax (GST) on 13th August 2019 at Margao, Goa.The objective of the Seminar was to help participants to understand the latest amendments to the Finance Act (No 2) of 2019 as wel... more

  • WTC Goa celebrates World MSME Day - World Trade Center Goa organized a Seminar with the theme "MSMEs and Global Economy" on 27th June 2019 to commemorate the World MSME Day that is annually celebrated around the globe. Mr G R Akadas, Director, Medium, Small and Micro Industries, Development Institute (MSME Di),... more

  • WTC Goa celebrates World Trade Day Goa 2019 - World Trade Center Goa along with World Trade Center Mumbai celebrated World Trade Day Goa 2019 on 30th May 2019 at Goa. World Trade Day is a unique initiative of World Trade Centers across the Globe to create awareness on International Trade and its impact on Economic Develo... more

  • WTC Goa Session on NSE Listing& Currency Risk Mgmt - World Trade center Goa, partnered with Goa Dimensions and the Women's Wing of the Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry to jointly host a Knowledge Session on "SME Listing and Currency Risk Management " on 20th February 2019 at Velsao, Vasco, Goa. The objective of the Knowle... more

  • WTC Goa - Seminar on Imp. of Energy Efficiency - World Trade Centre Goa along with the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized a Seminar on the Importance of "Energy Efficiency for MSMEs" on 30th January 2019 at Panaji Goa. Mr. Vishwanath, Chairman, MSME Committee, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry in his Welcome ... more