By Brigitta Miranda-Freer
MISSOULA, MT, USA – We're pleased to share the news that 4Cast, a diversified Israeli high-tech company and spinoff of Eltel, has chosen Montana as one of two new U.S. office locations. 4Cast’s ultimate decision to establish a base of operations in Montana is the culmination of a long process to make the case for their foreign direct investment in Montana.
When Montana World Trade Center hosted then Israeli Consul General David in 2016 introducing him to key industry sectors and select businesses across Montana and followed up with a 2017 trade mission to Israel and presence at Select USA, this is exactly what MWTC was aiming for. This kind of holistic approach is important because it helps to frame Montana’s message to the world and it helps decision makers achieve a comfort level that will allow them to quickly come to a positive decision for Montana.
Montana is a place with abundant, loyal, world-class talent. A place with a deep 1° of separation network that can empower businesses to quickly thrive. And a place where small business is big business. So in relation to foreign direct investment, if you’d like to establish a presence in the United States as part of your supply chain or even a tech subsidiary serving the US market as is the case with 4Cast, Montana is the place.
For more information on the MWTC or the recent announcement from 4Cast, call (406) 243-6982 or email or visit