MVIRDC World Trade Center Mumbai’s flagship event ‘World Trade Expo’ holds huge importance to India MSMEs to explore global opportunities and thereby help in accelerating its share in international trade. The third edition of World Trade Expo is organised jointly with All India Association of Industries and will be held on November 13 – 14, 2019 at World Trade Center Mumbai with participation from 25 countries and five states. This two-day Expo will feature exhibition, conference, Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Government (B2G) meetings.
The World Trade Expo 2019 (WTE 2019) provides a platform to meet, connect and explore investment opportunities from representatives of 25 countries, 40+ foreign business houses with operations in India and MSMEs from five Indian States. The participating countries will have key trade officials from Embassies, Consulates and Trade Offices to present on Trade and Investment Opportunities in their countries, while foreign business houses will showcase how they were able to integrate MSMEs into global value chains. MSMEs will display their products and services which are export ready. The Expo is open to business enterprises from all prominent sectors in Manufacturing, Agri & Food Processing as well as Services.
World Trade Expo 2019 will create new avenues for MSMEs, women entrepreneurs and start-ups to explore and interact with a view to tap the vast unexplored markets and seek potential buyers and collaborators.
Mr. Vijay Kalantri, President, All India Association of Industries and Vice Chairman, MVIRDC World Trade Center Mumbai said,” WTE was conceptualised with a view to bring together embassies, consulates and trade promotion organisations to showcase their strengths in terms of technological advancements and products, while Indian companies who are export ready and are looking to expand their business abroad and also take benefit of import opportunities from those countries.”
Ms. Rupa Naik, Senior Director, MVIRDC World Trade Center Mumbai said, “The participating Indian states will benefit from tremendous opportunities both in the domestic and international markets. WTE, now in its third edition has a growing number of participating companies. WTE 2019 is promoting MSMEs and enabling them to forge alliances and increase tie-ups with foreign countries. Therefore, MSMEs must take advantage of the opportunities that WTE 2019 will unfold.”
MVIRDC World Trade Center Mumbai and All India Association of Industries invite MSMEs, startups and stakeholders to explore the limitless opportunities arising from participating in international trade!