⏲ Current Time 09:10pm
C/Diego Martinez Barrio no. 4, Planta 4a, Mod. 1
Sevilla 41013
No specialties selected.
Strategically located within the city, WTC Sevilla Is located at the Cartuja 93 Technological Park. The office space for offices, meeting rooms and parking at the WTC Sevilla building is 11,000.00 square meters, 118,000.00 square feet.
city population
square kilometers of city space
home of first and largest DNA bank in Spain
Thank you for your interest in WTC Sevilla! For general questions and comments please complete the form below and a member of our team will reach out to you shortly. We look forward to hearing from you.
C/Diego Martinez Barrio no. 4, Planta 4a, Mod. 1
Sevilla 41013