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WTC ANTANANARIVO promotes the trade by putting potential actors together through economic meetings, business conferences, workshops.
WTC ANTANANARIVO also accompany its members by advising them and supply them with informations by buliding Market studies, Trainings, workshops and networking activities.
Entrust your events and your communication to WTC ANTANANARIVO means:
- Wining notoriety on well defined targets
- Wining visibility on all the available platforms of communication
- Contributing to Malagasy community’s social-economic development
- Delegate in full confidence the media compaign (press/communication)
- Having a privileged access to our contacts and our national and global network
Country population
City population
Square km of city space
Thank you for your interest in WTC Antananrivo! For general questions and comments please complete the form below and a member of our team will reach out to you shortly. We look forward to hearing from you.
Explorer Business Park, P.O. Box 12 128, Ankorondrano
Antananarivo 101
00261 32 07 846 26/56