Jessica Freire

Jessica Freire, Business Development Lead - Brazil

Jessica is experienced in foreign trade, international business and communication strategies. She developed her skills while working with important retail and consulting companies in Brazil and Chile.

In 2013, Jessica served as a Head of Communications and International Services at the World Trade Center (WTC) Santiago. Jessica held this role for almost six years, where she was responsible for developing business opportunities for the WTC community and worldwide.

A part from working with communication and business consulting, Jessica also supports the WTCA by promoting the WTC brand in Brazil and helping the WTCs in the region in business matters.

Jessica holds a postgraduate degree in Business Management from Universidad del Desarrollo Santiago, Chile and a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations from Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado University (FAAP) São Paulo, Brazil.

Jessica is fluent in Portuguese (native), English and Spanish.
