

  • Crowne Plaza WTC Moscow – Leading Conference Hotel - Moscow | MOSCOW, RUSSIA - On September 5, 2015 on the Italian island of Sardinia, a gala award ceremony of the World Travel Awards of the European region took place. According to World Travel Awards Crowne Plaza Moscow WTC was recognized as the Leading Conference Hotel in Russia. Worl... more

  • WHY PARTICIPATE? 2015 WTCA Member Seminar - NEW YORK, NY, USA- Less than two months until the 2015 WTCA Member Seminar in New York City... WHY SHOULD YOU PARTICIPATE? REINFORCE your WTC presence: Share your best practices in either trade services or facility management during the "WTC Innovation Exchange". LEARN ... more

  • UN Day at WTC Dresden, Oct 23rd 2015 - Dresden | DRESDEN, GERMANY - This year is an important year, for the United Nations and for the world. People from around the world will celebrate the 70th birthday of the United Nations. The UN Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force of the UN Charter in 1945. With the ratifi... more

  • Introducing three New WTCA Members! - NEW YORK, NY, USA - We would like to congratulate and welcome the newest Members of the World Trade Centers Association: World Trade Center Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay World Trade Center Hunchun, People's Republic of China World Trade Center Punta del Este, Uruguay ... more

  • Goa gets its own World Trade Centre - Goa | GOA, INDIA - It was an important day for Goa state as the Chief Minister Honourable Laxmikant Parsekar officially launched the World Trade Centre (WTC) Goa for promoting trade and investment in Goa, on August 29, 2015 at the Economic and Development Corporation building in Pan... more

  • Bella Heule Invited to Speak at United Nations - NEW YORK, NY, USA – Over 400 participants representing over eighty countries gathered at the United Nations’ Headquarters in New York City for the International Young Leaders Assembly (IYLA) on August 18, 2015. For the second consecutive year, WTCA Executive Vice President Bel... more

  • WTC Bangalore organizes Session on EOUs & SEZ - Bengaluru | BANGALORE, INDIA - The Export Promotion Council for EOUs and SEZs in association with World Trade Center Bangalore organized an interactive session on Export Oriented Units (EOUs) and SEZs on 21st August, 2015 at WTC Bangalore. This event had over 80 participants representing ... more

  • WTC Bangalore Skyscraper Dash 2015 - Bengaluru | BANGALORE, INDIA - WTC Bangalore Skyscraper Dash 2015 was organized on 9th August, 2015 which saw over 850 enthusiasts gathered at the World Trade Center Bangalore for the second edition of the vertical run challenge. The event witnessed the participants run around the Brigade... more

  • Strong connections with Japan and coastal Georgia - Savannah | SAVANNAH, GA, USA – On August 14, 2015, World Trade Center Savannah presented to its Board of Directors the existing connections between the coastal Georgia region and the world with the intention to proactively target countries through these connections. One connection that p... more

  • WTC Miami selects Algeria as "Country of Honor" - Algiers | ALGIERS, ALGERIA - Geographical distance means nothing when it comes to World Trade Centers' reciprocity. WTC Miami & WTC Algiers have been a shining example of collaboration over the past years, and have continued a strong partnership into 2015.  Last month, Charlotte G... more