JAIPUR, INDIA - WTC Mumbai team led by Mr. Vijay Kalantri, Vice Chairman met Chief Secretary, Government of Rajasthan, Mr. C S Rajan to discuss the official launching of the WTC Jaipur in January 2015. State of Rajasthan which has great potential as the government has come up with a plethora of policy initiatives in the last couple of years to create enabling investment climate which has in turn attracted huge investments to the state. Rajasthan is the only state in India to have an act on single window clearance - Rajasthan Enterprises Single Window Enabling and Clearance Act, 2011. It is the only state in India to have three international investment zones. In this background Mr.Kalantri urged the Chief Secretary to assist to launch a WTC Office in Jaipur which will help the state further in trade promotion, trade fair and training programmes in skill development. Mr.C.S.Rajan agreed to move forward to launch the WTC Jaipur office in a suitable place in January 2015.
The delegates also attended the Foodtech2014 at the “National Exhibition cum Vendor Development Programme on Processed Food & Allied Industry at Jaipur on 22nd November 2014 and made a presentation on Recent trends of processed food sector in India at the Technical session on “Competitive Manufacturing Practices in Processed Food & Allied Industry”
PHOTO (L-R) : Ms. Rupa Naik, Director Projects, World Trade Centre Mumbai and Executive Director All India Association of Industries, Ms. Khyati Naravane, Assistant Director, MVIRDC World Trade Centre Mumbai Mr. C S Rajan Chief Secretary, Government of Rajasthan and Mr. Vijay Kalantri Vice Chairman, MVIRDC World Trade Centre Mumbai.