Webinar on SOFTEX Filing

Sep 29, 2023

A webinar on SOFTEX filing was conducted in association with Export Promotion Council for EOUs and SEZs. BDO India was the knowledge partner for the session. Mr. K K. Pillai, Regional Chairman, EPCES was the keynote speaker. Mr. Karthik Mani, Partner - Indirect Tax, BDO India gave a detailed presentation on the subject.

Mr. K.K. Pillai spoke about the various concerns from service sector representatives due to the charges associated with SOFTEX and the ambiguity associated with filing in the different banks. Mr. Karthik Mani explained the process flow, timeline and for SOFTEX. He gave the details of the penalties for non-compliance, which can go up to three times the invoicing amount. He also listed the best practices for SOFTEX filing. The program was attended by around 500 participants pan India and it was also an opportunity for them to clarify their queries with the experts.

Mr. Vivek George, World Trade Center delivered the welcome address and Mr. Poovaiah C.U., Regional Director, EPCES proposed the vote of thanks.
