
WTC Winnipeg: Honouring a strong supporter

Jul 22, 2016

WINNIPEG, CANADA - The WTC Winnipeg would like to acknowledge its Centrallia 2016 honorary chair, David Angus. Mr. Angus played an integral part in making the WTC Winnipeg the organization that it is today. As President & CEO of the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, he brought vision, passion and dedication to this organization, forging a partnership with the National Bank of Canada and ANIM, a Francophone trade agency, to obtain a brand new WTC license in Winnipeg.

Mr. Angus has been a strong supporter of the WTC Winnipeg since its inception in 2013 and serves on the board of directors. He provides guidance and brings forth many visionary ideas pertaining to the WTC Winnipeg’s future establishment.

In short, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Mr. Angus for his support and partnership, but mostly, for his friendship.

To learn more about WTC Winnipeg, click on the source link below:
