On April 18, 2023, the international AIH Group with roots in South Africa had its branch in World Trade Center Twente officially opened. This festive event took place in the presence of the AIH board members and representatives of World Trade Center Twente, Oost NL, NFIA, Twente Board, Municipality of Hengelo and Smart Tech NXT.
AIH Group from Pretoria is a major player in the automotive, EV and logistics industry with 250 consultants supply industry. With customers such as BMW, Mercedes, VinFast, VW, Mahindra and EV companies, they offer added value to the eastern part of the Netherlands, when it comes to engineering assembly plants and the conversion of factories from combustion engines to EV. AIH already has a worldwide network with branches in Australia (Sydney), Slovakia (Bratislava), the United Kingdom (Oxford) and the United States (Dallas). Their branch in World Trade Center Twente Hengelo (the Netherlands) will act as the head office from which it will support the European, American and British markets.
The establishment of AIH Group in the Netherlands is the result of the joint soft landing program of Oost NL and World Trade Center Twente with support from the NFIA, Municipality of Hengelo and Twente Board. Using the soft landing program, a twenty companies from South Africa, Australia, India, Estonia, United Kingdom, United States, Germany and Singapore have successfully established themselves in World Trade Center Twente and East Netherlands. Operating from the city of Hengelo, AIH will gradually expand its activities in the Netherlands.
Various substantive connections have now been made with regard to the AIH Group such as with the Fraunhofer Innovation Platform for Advanced Manufacturing and the “Twentse” en Dutch business community around assembly and Electric Vehicles.