
WTC Taipei to promote Taiwan exports

Jan 26, 2015

TAIPEI, TAIWAN - Francis Liang, Chairman of the World Trade Center Taipei, said at a year-end press briefing in Taipei, “WTC Taipei has initiated a comprehensive set of plans to further promote Taiwan’s exports across all fronts in 2015, targeting markets including the United States, Europe, Japan, Mainland China and the emerging markets.”

At his first WTC Taipei press conference since his inauguration as Chairman of WTC Taipei in September 2014, Liang spoke with a large gathering of Taiwanese media on how WTC Taipei plans to facilitate the economy’s export industries in 2015.

For the developed markets, WTC Taipei is planning to organize Taiwan Pavilions at 31 key industry trade fairs around the world in 2015, said Liang. In particular, WTC Taipei is working on a partnership with the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), Europe’s largest information and consultancy platform, to open up new channels and market access for Taiwanese companies looking to enter the EU market.

According to Liang, on top of the developed markets, WTC Taipei will be stepping up its marketing campaigns in the emerging markets where rapid economic growths are generating enormous opportunities. For the emerging markets alone, WTC Taipei will be organizing 144 group trade missions, procurement meetings, press conferences and other trade promotion events in 2015. In particular, WTC Taipei will be holding a series of events to promote Taiwan and its products in India and Indonesia, Liang said. The events will include trade missions, new product launches and showcases, procurement meetings and various other promotional campaigns and activities.

For the Mainland China market, WTC Taipei will be organizing six trade fairs in the key metropolises to promote Taiwan products. WTC Taipei will also be leading 20 trade missions to attend the major trade shows in the region.

In 2015, WTC Taipei will be providing many new services to assist local companies adapt to the fast moving trends of the global market. In particular, WTC Taipei is launching the Global Market Potential Indicators as a useful reference for Taiwanese companies to evaluate their opportunities in 80 high-potential markets around the world.

Liang, citing the Indicators, forecast that Taiwan’s exports can grow up to 3.58 percent on-year in 2015.

(PHOTO: Francis Liang, Chairman of WTC Taipei, spoke with a large gathering of Taiwanese media on how WTC Taipei plans to facilitate the economy’s export industries in 2015)

For more information on WTC Taipei, click on the source link below: 
