
WTC Rotterdam hosts World Congress IPMA

Oct 31, 2014

ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - It was for some hard to find seating in the filled halls of WTC Rotterdam’s Congress & Event Center, the place where the IPMA World Congress took place from 29 September till 1 October 2014. During all plenary sessions of the congress in the Rotterdam Hall - WTC Rotterdam's largest room - there was no seat unoccupied.
Over 120 speakers in three days filled with the latest experiences and insight about Innovating the world through dialogue. Dialogue within projects, dialogue between projects (portfolio’s), dialogue over time (programs) and dialogue outside projects, with project-owners, users and stakeholders. And of course the dialogue between the business and academic world.
There was a pleasant atmosphere during the conference. Visitors were clearly impressed by the quality of the event, the workshops, the location and also the available facilities. Visitors were substantively challenged by the best practices from the business and the results of research conducted by academics. But also by the different techniques, discussions and round table sessions.

To learn more, click on the source link below: 
