WTC Pune recently also hosted the US Consul General Mr. Edgard Kagan during his maiden visit to Pune. Mr. Kagan addressed a gathering of twenty seven plus American companies doing business in Pune and gave his perspective on “We Grow Trade”.
It was an eventful day with Mr. Kagan earlier doing the honours of inaugurating the WTC Pune Event Lounge in Tower 2.
Mr. Sagar Chordia, Director – World Trade Center Pune welcomed Mr. Kagan and Team from US Consulate at Mumbai including Mr. Gregory Taevs, Principal Commercial Officer, Mr. Eric Levy and Mr. Chris Crossman.
Mr. Prasanna Choudhary, President – Pune Chapter alongwith Mr. Robin Rosario and Ms. Sukhbir Kaur of US India Importers Council Secretariat represented USIIC - the trade promotion partners of WTC Pune.