
Upcoming Events

  • Innov Tour Paris 2024 - Join and Take part in the Innov Tour Paris 2024, 2 exclusive days dedicated to Innovation and Tech.  On the occasion of the ParisOlympic Games 2024, the Paris Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in partnership with the City of Paris, Team France Export, Business France ... more

Past Events

  • MIDEST - An opportunity to meet the largest industrial subcontracting networkThe sole international show to specialize in industrial subcontracting. Conceived both as a network and a catalyst for industry, it makes it possible to initiate, consolidate and develop opportunities of ... more

  • Paris Region Business Meetings (coming soon ) - Speed Business Meetings between big companies and SMEs for economical development of the Paris Region. more

  • EURONAVAL world meeting of naval technologies - PARIS, FRANCE - EURONAVAL is the international trade show applying high technology to naval defense and maritime security and safety. Conferences and workshops - BtoB meetings - Activities on cutting edge activities - Awards for the best of the industry Contacts France for ... more

  • MILIPOL INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MEETINGS - Milipol International Business Meetings & Cartes Secures Connexions BtoB Meetings exhibition sectors / activities•Transmission - Communications - Localisation•IT Computing•Optics - Optronics•Mobility•Arms - Ammunitions•Individual equipment - Fabrics•Major risks - Cri... more

  • INTERNATIONAL PARIS AIR SHOW Le Bourget - AEROSPACE TRADE SHOW Focus on innovation and business An opportunity to meet all the economic, political, institutional and technological industry players in a single venue more