
Upcoming Events

  • Innov Tour Paris 2024 - Join and Take part in the Innov Tour Paris 2024, 2 exclusive days dedicated to Innovation and Tech.  On the occasion of the ParisOlympic Games 2024, the Paris Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in partnership with the City of Paris, Team France Export, Business France ... more

Past Events

  • EHPPA Days - BtoB  Public and Private buyers in the sector of Health and Innovation The Network of the French Hospitable Buyers ( Resah) and the EHPPA association (public buyers of 9 European countries), International CCI France and the Chamber of commerce and industry of region Paris I... more

  • Paris & New-York luxury capitals - The Paris Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry and The French-American Chamber of Commerce - New York are pleased to invite you to the second edition of the French-American Luxury Symposium: Paris & New York Luxury Capitals, Friday, May 5th at the CCI Paris Ile-de-Franc... more

  • SIFER 2017 Railways B2B mEETINGS - Brokerage event in rail industry during the 10th edition of SIFER, France’s only international fair dedicated exclusively on the rail market. This matchmaking event is a unique platform for small and medium sized enterprises, start-ups and larger companies as well as resea... more

  • Mobile World Congress 2017 - Brokerage event - Mobile World Congress is  the world largest gathering   for the mobile industry, organised by THE gsma and held in the Mobile world capital Barcelona . Join the brokerage event organised by the Paris Ile-de-France CCI more

  • Scheduled events - Boosting attractiveness With more than 1,000 trade fairs, conferences and specialist business events organised each year, Paris Ile-de-France CCI offers you a fantastic sounding board to foster your expansion in France and internationally. To meet customers... more