Atlanpole will be hosting the
36th IASP World Conference in Nantes, France,
from Sept 24 to 27, 2019
Under the High Patronage of Mr. Emmanuel Macron,
President of the French Republic
Each year, IASP– the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation – organizes a major global conference that can bring together up to 1200 participants, representing the “territorial hubs of innovation” – technopoles, science and technology parks, clusters, incubators and innovation ecosystems. They come from five continents and 77 countries to share best practices and build on new development models.
For many years Atlanpole has been a reference in the IASP network, both through its organization and its model of “open technopole” and it is a true territorial hub that structures a multidisciplinary innovation ecosystem over a vast territory. A reference point also because of its results, particularly in terms of permanent renewal of projects and strong growth of supported companies. As such, Atlanpole which regularly receives visits from foreign delegations members of IASP drawing inspiration from the Nantes model, was acclaimed by its international counterparts who unanimously chose Nantes and Atlanpole to host the 36th World Conference.
The theme of this world congress will be « The 4th Industrial Revolution: areas of innovation and science parks as key boosters for a successful transition »
We define the 4th industrial revolution as the convergence of digital technologies (Big Data, IoT, etc.), biotechnologies, and the physics of the infinitely small, in the service of a transition in all areas of our society, eg;- Energy, Mobility, Industry of the Future, Health of the Future, Connected Agriculture, etc. The great promises of this fourth industrial revolution are to inspire consumers with unique and personalized products.
In addition to the technological aspects, this fourth industrial revolution affects different aspects of our modern societies. There are new challenges – economic, social, political, environmental, that will emerge through this new way of production.
At the crossroads of digital development and all its application markets, connecting researchers, startups and large companies, IASP’s “innovation hubs” are ideally placed to support this 4th industrial revolution, which will impact all areas, and to ensure that its upheavals are sustainable for the economy and society.
The Conference will be structured around 3 main themes addressed in plenary sessions:
- Plenary 1: “The technologies driving the 4th Industrial Revolution”
- Plenary 2: “The 4th Industrial Revolution : impact on people and society”
- Plenary 3 : “STPs & AOIs in the 4th Industrial Revolution : role, relevance & results”
This year’s Keynote Speaker will be Alain Tropis, Head of Digital Design Manufacturing & Services at Airbus.
Alain Tropis worked for 15 years in Airbus starting as Head of Composite Department and becoming VP Head of A350 XWB Airframe in 2007 and then SVP Aerostructure Engineering in 2009. After five years at STELIA Aerospace as SVP Head of Business Line Development and SVP Programs & Engineering, he is now back in Airbus as SVP Digital Design Manufacturing & Services.
He received the Award Title Charles Sharpe Beecher Prize in 1993 by publishing the paper entitled "Certification of the Composite Outer Wing of the ATR72" which was presented at the Seminar Airworthiness Requirements - Developments in the Recent Years, he received the “Médaille de l’Aéronautique” in 2014.
For more information on the Conference, please check the dedicated website
and follow us on Twitter (@IASPnantes) or contact the organizing team
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