

  • Offre de stage / Praktikumsstelle - Offre de stage: Management de projetVous voulez rejoindre une équipe dynamique et travailler dans un cadre international ? Vous parlez allemand et français ? Alors n'hésitez pas à postuler à : Offre de stage au World Trade Center Metz-Saarbrücken (WTC) Poste: Assistant en man... more

  • 30th french-german Business Lunch - The 30th french-german Business Lunch took place on the 24th of March during the french-german week "Metz est wunderbar" in Metz. You can find all the pictures on our website and social medias more


  • Japanese technologies & products-B2B event in Metz - METZ, FRANCE - On May 13th 2016, WTC Metz-Saarbrücken and its business club Défi Export Lorraine organized, in partnership with ENSAM and ENIM, local high education establishments, MATERALIA materials cluster, ISEETECH, technological platform, and economic development agencies... more


  • WTC Metz Saarbrücken celebrates 25th anniversary - METZ, FRANCE - World Trade Center Metz Saarbrücken celebrated its 25th anniversary and offered a gala at Saint Pierre aux Onnains in Metz with more than 150 personalities, French and German, from the Greater Region.  The event was a great success, with the participation of Es... more