
A Year of Presidency for Paul Chaffard

May 26, 2015

A Year of Presidency for Paul Chaffard from WTC Marseille Provence
Already one year from May 19, 2014 when Paul Chaffard has been elected President of the World Trade Center Marseille Provence after a successful career as a Sales Director at Cap Gemini. Elected member of the CCI Marseille Provence since 2011 and member of the CCI International PACA, he always had in his projects to develop the influence and attractiveness of the territory.
This first year of presidency was marked by two seminars: the first organized in September 16, 2014 with the development of WTCMP 2020 "WTCMP 3.0"; the second organised in January 14, 2015 that gave birth to the Cowork'in WTCMP. These working days were attended more than a hundred contributors and allowed the opening of the coworking space on April 7 with 150 participants for the launch party. The community of 7 coworkers members after a month of existence is now currently using the space.
Added to thi, the projects of renovation and expansion of the current site (located at 2, rue Henri Barbusse Marseille) in 2016 with the extension of the business center and meeting rooms. High tech and moderns equipments are scheduled by architects who work currently on the project.
As well the opening of a second business center in 2018 into the tower La Marseillaise (at the 29th and 30th floors) in order to develop an offer of offices in top of the range with associated services which will allow to attract national and international customers.
