Show Profile:

MAGIC is the world's largest fashion marketplace, comprised of eleven unique communities showcasing the latest in apparel, footwear, accessories, and manufacturing. Every February and August the retail industry convenes in Las Vegas to spot and shop the latest trends in men's, women's, juniors' and children's apparel, footwear, accessories and resources. From the height of advanced contemporary luxury brands, to the latest trends in fast fashion, MAGIC brings you brands that field the business of fashion. MAGIC is comprises of PROJECT, THE TENTS, WWDMAGIC, FN PLATFORM, SOURCING at MAGIC, PROJECT WOMENS, THE COLLECTIVE, POOLTRADESHOW, WSA@MAGIC, Playground and CURVENV@MAGIC.

Exhibitor Profile:

As fashion's foremost trade forum, MAGIC connects exhibitors to the global purchasing power of tens of thousands of men's, women's, and children's apparel, accessories and footwear retailers. Buyers from all 50 states and over 80 countries worldwide with an audience of over 80,000 attendees-including 85% of the top 50 retailers.

Attendee Profile:

Attendees of MAGIC are those people who are heavily involved in the fashion industry. This includes manufacturers, retail buyers, fashion photographers, models, and many others. The show appeals to those interested in all types of apparel from men's, women's, children's, swimwear, evening wear, casual, footwear, and accessories.