ASD Market Week

Show Profile:

ASD Market Week brings the world's widest variety of merchandise together in one efficient consumer-goods trade show that's as easy to shop as it is to love.  Loaded with quality choices at every price point, this well-established trade event continues to grow, attracting tends of thousands of loyal attendees from every retail and distribution channel who come here to discover new suppliers, new product categories and new ways to profit.

Attendee Profile:

Attendees include CEOs, decision makers and store owners for specialty stores, gift stores, mom-and-pop stores, mass merchandisers, chain stores, buying groups, export businesses, jobbers, festival/fair businesses and others.  Attendees get an all-business, no-frills, professionally-staged, selling and shopping environment unlike any other trade show in the world.  attendees network with a diverse group of decision-making buyers, representing small, medium and large companies from six continents.