Nightclub & Bar Convention & Trade Show

Show Profile:

The Nightclub & Bar Convention & Trade Show is the most comprehensive beverage and food event in the Western Hemisphere, drawing attendees from every state in the nation and 26 foreign countries.  Beverage is the driving force behind the nation's most successful nightclubs, restaurants, lounges and bars. Las Vegas is home to many of these successful establishments, making it the perfect setting for this mega-event.  This is the most exciting event in the industry, a place where buyers and sellers come to meet and get business done.

Why Attend?

Find the latest products you must have to grow your business, sample new spirits, test technology, network with industry leaders & experts, learn from colleagues and take priceless knowledge back to your establishment!

Who Needs to Attend?

 Owners/Operators, Presidents, CEOs, Managers, GMs, Directors, Bar Managers, Bartenders/Mixologists, Buyers, Suppliers, Distributors, DJs, Chefs, Security Staff, Waitstaff, Marketers, Hosts, Nightlife Security & Other Industry Professionals.