

  • Talk on ''Mindfulness and Workplace Wellness'' - The World Trade Center Kochi together with NASSCOM organized a talk on “Mindfulness and Workplace Wellness” at the NASSCOM office, Infopark. Mr. Gokul Raghunathan, Founder, Mindelligence was the speaker. During his address, Mr. Gokul said that work is getting transformed every... more

  • Talk on Financing Opportunities for EXIM Business - As part of the Initiative to facilitate and further International trade, The World Trade Center Kochi organized a talk on “Financing Opportunities for EXIM Businesses”.Mr. Ambrish Bhandari, Deputy General Manager and Regional Head, EXIM Bank, Chennai was the speaker for the se... more

  • Panel Discussion on “Empowering Women at Work” - A panel discussion on “Empowering Women at Work” was held at the WTC. The panellists were - Ms. Preethi Gopalakrishnan, Asst. Director – Talent, EY Global Delivery Services; Ms. Rthika Menon, Lead HR BSE, UST Global; Ms. Suchitra Menon, Director & CEO, W.F.B. Baird & C... more

  • Seminar on the Recent Amendments in Companies Act - Based on the recommendations of the Committee to Review Offences under the Companies Act 2013, the Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 2018 was passed on November 2, 2018, to effect certain changes in the existing Act. The World Trade Center Kochi on 29th January 2019, organised ... more

  • Automation Driving the Future of Professionals - The World Trade Center Kochi on 5th February, 2019 organized a talk on “Automation Driving the Future of Professionals”. Prof. Paul Juras, Babson College, Massachusetts addressed the IT professionals from Infopark, Kochi on the subject. Mr. Jim Piechowski, Director, Internatio... more

  • Flutter Live 2018 - A viewing of “Flutter Live 2018” event was organized by SayOne Technologies in the World Trade Center Kochi on 5th December 2018. Ms. Akhila Antony- Software Engineer, Mr. Nikhil K.S.- Android Developer and Mr. Rijaz Rasheed - iOS Developer from SayOne Technologies addressed ... more

  • Seminar on Risk Management and Governance - The World Trade Center Kochi, organised a seminar on ‘’Risk Management and Governance’’ at Hotel Abad Plaza, M.G. Road, Ernakulam on 19th December 2018. Mr. Vivek Govind Sr. Partner - Varma and Varma, Chartered Accountants, made the Key Note address, Mr. Akhilesh Varghese, Par... more


  • Seminar on Data Localization - The World Trade Center Kochi organized a seminar on Data Localization and its Efficacy on 14th November 2018. Mr. Praveen Sasidharan, Partner – Risk Advisory, Deloitte India and Mr. Sony A., Head – Digital Banking, South Indian Bank Ltd. spoke on the subject. The seminar was a... more

  • Awareness session on Sexual Harassment at Work - WTC Kochi along with the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry organised an awareness session on Sexual Harassment at Workplace on 20th November 2018 at WTC Seminar Hall. Mr. James Joseph, Author and Founder of Jackfruit 366 and Mr. Deepak Tejomaya, Associate Director-HR KPM... more

  • Legal Archives – An Insight for CEOs - The World Trade Center Kochi organized a talk “Legal Archives – An Insight for CEOs” on 11th October 2018 at MP Hall, Thapasya Building, Infopark Kochi. The programme covered topics like Intellectual Property Rights, IT and Employment Contracts, Importance of Confidentiality/ ... more