World Trade Center Goa organised their 6th webinar titled “Empowering Digital Business Success - Part 2" on 27th June 2020.
Mr. Ryan Vaz, Founder Infinyt3D started the proceedings of the webinar by addressing the topic of Digital Manufacturing, a concept that could be worked on especially to enhance business productivity Post COVID-19. Mr. Vaz began his presentation by saying that Digital Manufacturing could be very useful to businesses in cases where New Products are being demanded which are of a very highly customised nature and where there is an urgency to supply with a criteria to incorporate rapid changes in the product design and functionality. Digital Manufacturing, Mr. Vaz said, could be Today's answer to tomorrow's Demands by facilitating flexible product design in make to order products. Digital Manufacturing would also help the manufacturer to have an easy switch process control and address the required market change with new products that have to be made ready immediately.
Mr. Viresh Vazirani, Founder, Growth Gravy, while speaking on the topic of " Website- Digital Face of a successful Company" said that one of the major purposes of a website is to acquire new business and therefore said that websites have to have a very neat and simple design, have a clear listing of the key features of the products on offer, have the ability to give clear directions to customers on how to have contact with customer relations desk, should carry testimonials of happy customers along with all social media icons of the business. Mr. Vazirani also spoke on the main features of a good website. He opined, that webistes that are mobile friendly, which offer a good user experience, have a clear Call to Action that guides the visitor on the next step he needs to take and which are regularly updated would be very good digital brand ambassadors of the digital face of a successful Company.
Mr. Anil Colaco, Founder, Progressive Systems and a Specialist in Data Networks addressed the topic - " Data Networks and Internet Connectivity". He began by saying that we first need to identify the type of use for which we seek to have a internet connectivity. Mr. Colaco listed some of them as being, basic usage, hosting of online virtual meetings, offering financial services, developing content or to watch HD Videos. Once the use is defined then a choice could be made between Broadband, Fiber, wireless or dedicated Internet lines. Mr. Colaco also touched on the aspect of choosing the right Internet Service(ISP) provider by apprising the participants that it is very important to understand the plan that is being offered, especially to it being a limited or unlimited plan, analyzing the ability of the ISP to upscale the plan as demand rises and how fast is their Fault Resolution Time. He concluded his address by speaking on the issue of Wired and Wireless networks as well as the differences and advantages of the wired network wireless networks having frequency of 2.4 Ghz and 5Ghz.
A Q & A Session was also organized during the webinar.