Millennials: Taking Charge & Changing Business

Millennials: more than one third of Canada’s working age population are changing companies, just like they’re changing everything else.

Corporate charity is passé. Company purpose is king. Millennials want their companies to be not just among the best in the world, but the best for the world. They’re using profitable business models that create social and environmental benefits.

Come hear the stories of three inspiring next-gen entrepreneurs. You’ll learn:

  • Why they’re succeeding in the new market they’re creating
  • How they’re using tech for social good
  • Why organizations need to adapt to millennials to ensure the survival of their business
  • Why the business certification they use, Beneficial Corporation (B Corp), is different and more powerful than others
  • How millennials are growing the global movement of this kind of business
Times are changing. Adapt your business and thrive!