Via Zoom Conference - Please share WTCAnetwork with member companies to receive a 25% discount
May 1, 2020
Parag Khanna, FutureMap (The Cities of the Future in a Post-Pandemic World) Keynote Address
Kurt Gerwitz, AFEX (Dedollarization: What’s the Status of King Dollar Globally and What are the Implications on Trade for Colorado?)
May 8, 2020
Ali Brodie, Fox Rothschild (Immigration and Innovation: Bringing Together the Best of Both Worlds)
Sarah Clegg, British Embassy in Washington DC (Strengthening US-UK Ties Through a Free Trade Agreement)
Dan Lane, Mile High Labs (CBD on a Global Scale: The Importance of International Business to the Cannabinoid Industry)
May 15, 2020
World Trade Center Association Executives, (International Trade During COVID-19) Panelists: Scott Wang, Asia Pacific; Martin Salloum, North America; Carlos Ronderos, Latin America ; Niklas Aklundh, Europe
Stephane Lessard, Consul General of Canada in Denver (North American Energy Integration)
Laura Jackson, Denver International Airport (Air Travel Supply & Demand Trends from Denver International Airport (DEN))
May 22, 2020
Heidi Hostetter, H2 Manufacturing & Faustson Tools (Global Supply Chains: Worth the Risk – A Manufacturing Community Discussion) Panelists: Mina Cox, Specialty Products; Kyle Pettine, Otter Products
EJ Achtner, HSBC Bank USA (Blockchain, APIs, and FinTech: How is applied innovation bridging the global trade gap?)
May 29, 2020
Catherine Ceresa, Martello Risk (What is the Future of Supply Chain Sustainability? A Discussion on Responsible Supply Chains) Panelists: Andrea Vaccari, Freeport-McMoRan; Alyssa Harding, Sustainable Food Trade Association ; Jeannie Renne-Malone, VF Corp
Happy Hour