Chongqing World Trade Center and Taipei World Trade Center signed a strategic cooperation agreement

In November 17, 2011, the third session of "Chongqing • Taiwan Week" and Taiwan Expo hosted by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and Chongqing Municipal Government was held in Chongqing Conference and Exhibition Center. In this exhibition, Chongqing World Trade Center and Taipei World Trade Center signed a strategic cooperation agreement. Chairman of the board of Taipei World Trade Center Mr. Wang Zhigang participated in the signing ceremony. 

According to the agreement, Chongqing World Trade Center and Taipei World Trade Center will be important cooperation partners to each other. In addition to actively promoting of each other's respective cities and economies, and timely provision of respective regional market and trade information, both parties will continue to enhance economic and trade exchanges, actively organize various business visits, negotiations, exhibitions and so on, so as to help local enterprises find partners and opportunities. 

Chairwoman of Chongqing World Trade Center and deputy director of the Chongqing Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Commission Li Shirong believed that the entry of Chongqing WTC into the "Rising Sun Taipei City" would further attract Taiwan enterprises to invest in Chongqing. In an interview, she said "World Trade Center promotes global trade through supporting worldwide WTCs, and provides services to local areas. Among all the WTCs, Taipei WTC stands out. The strategic cooperation agreement we signed includes several major aspects. First, the Chongqing WTC will learn from the successful operation model of Taipei WTC; second, both sides will strengthen communication, which will serve Chongqing in two aspects: first, to attract more Taiwan enterprises to invest in Chongqing through the Taipei WTC; second, to seek more development opportunities in Taiwan through the Taipei WTC".

Ms. Li Shirong said at the same time that in the next step, Chongqing WTC would endeavor to establish extensive contacts with TWCs in more cities in order to actively play its due role of in attracting investment to Chongqing and in helping more local enterprises go global on the world stage.