
China WTC BJ Golden Ideas Award

Aug 18, 2015

BEIJING, CHINA - On 17th August, China WTC Beijing held the Golden Ideas Award Presentation Ceremony at the Conference Hall of China World Hotel. Our Chairwoman Ms. Gao Yan, Vice Chairman Mr. Zhang Yanfei and other senior executives, as well as award-winning units /individuals, took part in the event. 

In spirit of Ms. Gao Yan's guidance that enterprises shall be innovative to address the new economic norms in China, the Golden Ideas Initiative was commenced in April 2015 and quickly gained popularity among employees, receiving as many as 700 submissions within a short period of time. The submissions covered a wide range of topics concerning a greener, smarter and more efficient WTC. Some of the golden ideas have been evaluated and put into practice.

To learn more about China WTC Beijing, click on the source link below: 
