International trade & investment are essential to Montana’s economy— from wheat to SaaS products and everything in between, Montanans are selling their products & services around the world, importing supply chain solutions, and receiving investment from global markets. Come join us to celebrate Montana’s successes on the global stage, learn about untapped opportunities, and gather together in celebration of world trade month.
Current agenda includes:
Gleaning insights on a dynamic global trade landscape from Ambassador Baucus, unveiling results of the MWTC Annual World Trade & Investment report, honoring the Montana Exporter of the Year as chosen by the Montana District Export Council, inviting Consuls General from our trading partner nations to share insights, meet with businesses and amass more granular detail about mutually beneficial trade and investment opportunities between Montana and their home country, offering timely training for Montana’s exporting and importing firms.’
Join us on May 22nd from 12:30pm to 7:00pm at Montana State University, with a reception to follow. Please see  a draft of the current agenda below. For further questions, please email