The WTCA General Assembly (GA) is the association's premier annual event, gathering representatives from member World Trade Center (WTC) locations and their business networks.  In 2023, the WTCA GA focuses on business opportunities across the continent of Africa, bringing together new and expanded opportunities not only to/from Ghana, but all nations.  The exclusive roster of attendees includes leaders from business, government and international organizations.

With the theme of "Towards African Economic Integration and Enhanced Global Presence," the 2023 GA promises to be a unique and engaging event, demonstrating the strength of the WTCA network and focusing on business opportunities on the African continent with buyers, sellers and investors in:

Primary Sectors: Agriculture & Fishing, Mining, Power & Energy, Water

Secondary Sectors: Food Processing, Manufacturing, Building and Construction (Real Estate) 

Tertiary Sectors: Baking & Finances, Retailing, Information & Communication Technology (ICT)