Washington International Trade Association
 2023 Congressional Trade Agenda
This event is OFF-THE-RECORD and will be in-person at the Pavilion of the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. A networking coffee reception will precede the event. The Congressional Trade Agenda will also be available LIVE on Zoom on Friday, March 3 at 9:30 AM ET. No recording of this event will be available.
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Congressional Trade Leaders share their perspectives at WITA’s annual overview of the Hill’s Trade Agenda.
As in prior years, this will be an OFF-THE-RECORD discussion of the critical trade issues that Congress may address in the coming year.
Featured Speakers:
Sally Laing , Chief International Trade Counsel, U.S. Senate Committee on Finance, Democratic Staff
Mayur Patel , Chief Counsel, International Trade, U.S. Senate Committee on Finance, Republican Staff
Josh Snead , Republican Chief Trade Counsel, Trade Subcommittee, House Ways and Means Committee
Alexandra Whittaker , Democratic Chief Trade Counsel; Staff Director Trade Subcommittee, House Committee on Ways and Means
1 free ticket available for WITA Sponsors