

  • WTCA Chairman Abu Nahl hosts WTC Accra in Doha - Accra | ACCRA, GHANA - The Chairman of World Trade Centers Association, Ghazi Abu Nahl, who is also the Chairman of WTC Doha was excited to receive a World Trade Center delegation in Doha. In a meeting with Togbe Afede XIV and the Chairman of Qatar General Insurance Nasser A. Al Thani... more

  • Featured GA 2015 Attendee: Sophia Engleson - Countdown to #GA2015Manila! Attending this event will give you the opportunity to meet fellow WTC Members from all around the world, including this week’s “Featured Attendee” and Business Relationship Manager of WTC Malmö, Sweden, Sophia Engleson.  What is your role/responsib... more

  • WTCNO Presented with Gift from Pan AmCham - New Orleans | NEW ORLEANS, LA, USA – The World Trade Center New Orleans was recently presented with a gift from the American Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Panama (Pan AmCham), following a business mission to the country in late 2014. The World Trade Center New Orleans, together with a... more

  • This year WTC Amsterdam turns 30 - Amsterdam | AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS - This year WTC Amsterdam turns 30. The complex was officially opened by Queen Beatrix on October 25, 1985. To celebrate the management team would invite members of the Business Club to join Sail Amsterdam 2015, the five-yearly nautical event which takes... more

  • WTCA MEMBERSHIP UPDATE – APRIL 2015 - NEW YORK, NY, USA - WTCA MEMBERSHIP UPDATE – APRIL 2015 We would like to congratulate and welcome four newly approved Members who joined the World Trade Centers Association at the start of this year: • World Trade Center Curitiba, Brazil• World Trade Center Goiania, Brazil• ... more

  • WTCA & REED EXHIBITIONS INT'L SALES GROUP SIGN MOU - NEW YORK, NY, USA -  World Trade Centers Association & Reed Exhibitions International Sales Group Americas Sign Memorandum of Understanding The WTCA is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with Reed Exhibitions International Sales Group Americas. Effectiv... more

  • MEET YOUR WTC PEERS - 2015 GA SPEED NETWORKING - MANILA, PHILIPPINES - Don't leave the Philippines without making important connections with other WTC Delegates across all sectors, business models, and industries. This year's General Assembly will feature a new interactive speed networking session on Monday, April 27th. Tak... more

  • 2015 BOARD ELECTIONS ARE UNDERWAY - VOTE TODAY - What promises to be an exciting 2015 WTCA Board election is now underway.  On March 16th, we announced the names of the twenty-one individuals who will compete in this year's election for the fourteen open seats on WTCA's Board of Directors. Voting began on Monday, March 30... more

  • WTC Accra investors visit Vice President of Ghana - Accra | ACCRA, GHANA - A group of Italian investors has paid a courtesy call on Vice President Paa Kwesi Amissah-Arthur in his office at the Flagstaff House, Accra to discuss investment opportunities in the energy and power sectors. The delegation, led by the chairman of World Trade ... more

  • WTCA Network Adds Huge Presence in Southwest China - BEIJING, CHINA - Mr. Ghazi Abu Nahl, WTCA Chairman, granted the WTC Guiyang plaque to Mr. Gang Chen, Secretary of the CPC Guiyang Municipal Committee in a major ceremony in Beijing on March 4, 2015. Approved by the WTCA Board in December of 2014, the 8 million square feet WTC ... more