5 clubs : 5 expertise

Oct 19, 2020

Iran, Québec, UK, Morocco and the USA

On top of offering trade information and seminars/webinars about international trade and policies, up & coming markets and opportunities abroad, WTC Rennes Bretagne has created 5 clubs since 2016: Iran, Quebec, the UK, Morocco and USA.

Each club meets 2 to 3 times a year. Feel free to reach out if your WTC wants to get in touch with companies or other institutions from the markets mentioned hereabove. WTC Rennes Bretagne now has a thorough network of companies, experts, lawyers, consultants and bankers specialized in these markets.

Iran club : was created to advise companies looking to explore the Iranian market. WTC Rennes Bretagne now has a network of experts, lawyers and other institutions, which regularly participate in our meetings. Our Next meeting is scheduled on November 5th , feel free to sign up! 

Quebec club : was created as several companies from the Rennes area in the ICT, health and mobility sectors now work closely with the city of Quebec. This club has close ties with the city of Rennes and its economic and business development agency.

The Franco-British Business Club : was created with the Franco-British Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the British Embassy in Paris. The goal is to strengthen ties with the UK and the English Channel Islands (Jersey & Guernsey) post-Brexit. Another initiative was created along with this club: The TransManche Development Group , which includes members of government and business development agencies in Jersey, Guernsey, the Solent Region (Portsmouth and Southampton), the Paris area and the Region of Brittany. The TransManche group works on long-term projects: i.e. new air links, maritime freight routes, academic ties etc…

Morocco Club : was created with the Moroccan Consulate for Western France. The goals of this club are to have Breton companies understand the Moroccan market and to promote trade with Morocco.

USA Club : was created with the US Consulate for Western France. The goal is to increase trade with the United States - Brittany’s first foreign investor.

Once again, feel free to sign up to our next events.

See you all very soon!