
Demcon's ventilation modules vital in COVID fight

May 26, 2020

The increasing number of patients caused by the Covid-19 virus also increases the request for medical equipment. Especially, the demand for ventilation equipment has grown enormously since the start of the outbreak. Demcon – a member of our Business Club – also witnessed this growth. The company develops and produces ventilation modules for the IC. “Normally, we produce around three- till four thousand modules each year, but at the moment we have orders for more than 30.000 modules” states CEO Dennis Schipper to the Dutch NOS. Continuing he tells: “In normal circumstances, we only produce the heart of the modules, not the end product; this is done by other companies”. However, this seems to change. In consultation with the Ministry of Health, Well-being and Sports (Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport – VWS), possibilities for a complete self-production are considered. According to the Financieele Dagblad, the Ministry of Economic Affairs has reached an agreement with the company Demcon for the production of 500 ventilators.

This is the information of Demcon around their thoughts with regards to the coronavirus on their own website:

“The ventilation modules from Demcon macawi respiratory systems save lives now that the coronavirus is present around the world. Never before has the need for ventilation systems been so great. We are thankful that we can contribute directly to the treatment of thousands of coronavirus patients with breathing problems because we can meet this need.

We are making every effort to continue to meet demand in this situation. The demand is now so great that we are setting up a second production line at Demcon production to be able to double the production. We depend on various (external) factors. The commitment and dedication of our employees is of great value and we keep in close contact with our suppliers about delivery of their components. We all go to great lengths so that we can deliver the equipment to the hospitals as quickly as possible.”
