
Coex Urban Park Fest K-POP Music Stage

Oct 25, 2016

SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA -  The Coex Urban Park Fest K-POP Music Stage made joyous atmosphere at the center of Seoul, Coex Urban Park, which took place from October 23 through October 24, 2016. This event was hosted by Coex, near Yeoungdongdae-ro, Seoul in Coex Urban Park. “K-POP music stage” was the third event of Coex Urban Park after “Megabox Movie Night”, and “Food truck Our Home with Beer Night.” Especially, K-POP music stage’s line up on 23rd included artists such as Eddie Kim, Nine Muses A, Crush, and Donggeun-Han.

To learn more about WTC Seoul, please click on the source link below. 
